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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

travelling with a cause

I was always fascinated  by the globe-trotters. I even wondered what is the motivation to get out of the comfort of their homes and explore the unfamiliar territories. I was always in the confinement of responsibilities, restrictions and engagements. I always wondered when I would be free enough to have the experience of independent travelling. I am lucky to born in a family who like to travel a lot. My parents took me to the most amazing places in India in my childhood. I was amazed by the diversity and magnificence of my country. But when I grew up I found enclosed in the overcaring and cautious attitude of my family during the tour. It proved to be the hindrance in feeling the place where I went. I believe that travel is not about shutting yourself up in the luxurious hotel in the town but to interact with locals, go to the places where you have not been, try to walk around in the villages , meet new people and most importantly, get out of the comfort zone.
View from the Triund mountain

So it was in November 2015 I decided to go for travel to northern India.I wanted my travel to be as productive as it can be. So I decided to volunteer as well during my travel. So I contacted LHA social work to join as a volunteer. They accepted the offer and I was given the responsibility of English conversation partner of the students. The organisation is located at Mcleodganj, Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh. I arrived there on the 24th of December 2015 and as expected I was welcomed with the coldest climate I have ever experienced, a bone chilling negative three.there was Christmas celebration the next day where i got a chance to interact with the volunteers from all over the world.I was amazed by their perspective of life and to the extent they have travelled the world.It was so amazing to know about them and their anecdotes. It was a great experience. The same day in the afternoon I hired a Royal Enfield Classic 350 and rode around the mountains.It was an experience I always wanted to have.

Christmas at LhA
I got the opportunity to interact with the monks and the locals which I really appreciate. The respect I got from them was really unparalleled. I was spellbound by their patriotism towards their religion and country. Though I was supposed to teach them but I believe they taught me more.

royal enfield

I made many good friends and did adventurous trekking.The scenic beauty was amazing .Specially from the Triund , which is a 9km uphill trek. It is a place worth visiting.My stay in mcleodganj was for 12 days which I really enjoyed. I left on 5th of January with a heavy heart, but only with the promise to come back

with patricia, soraya, pascal and hagit

Monday, October 29, 2012

My first job!!!!

It was 5th of july 2012.I had to leave my home to start a new phase of my life.A phase that i was unaware of and it had instilled in me a sense of confidence , fear and sorrow of leaving my home.With all these mixed feeling i was getting myself ready for the journey.I was supposed to join the SAB Miller in Bangalore.My train was scheduled at 8 pm so i decided to go for shopping as usual,i did before going to my college too.This time i knew i wont be coming back soon.I went with Nitesh and it rained heavily on that day.I bought all the items i needed and came home.Soon i had to board the train ,it was a 55 hours journey.I went to the railway station and left my hometown for Bangalore.It was my first visit there.In bangalore ,i was accomodated in Hotel Goldfinch,it was a four star hotel .It was my first visit to a four star hotel,i was quite amazed on seeing the luxuries i was provided.We had 7 days stay in bangalore after which we were sent to Sonepat near new delhi.SAB Miller welcomed us very warmly and i am thankful to them for all those amenities they provided.I had to face new challanges in my life in future and for that they had a nice plan to train me to take up those challanges.  

Thursday, February 23, 2012

two unforgettable days!!

It was monday 23rd of january that we were expecting ITC ,for our group discussion and interview round after having qualified the written round.I was in a doubt whether this job is suited for me or not.As it had a three months internship time even after that period it was liable to eliminations.There is totally different feeling  when you go for an interview , formals on ,you try your best to hide the nervousness,you make ur face as pleasant as it can and a sense of rivalry.Rivalry because there are many colleagues with whom we have to compete in order to grab the oppurtunity.
After having disqualified in my previous group discussion round for ORACLE, there was a feeling uncertainty whether i will make in this one or not.But i appeared and was bit nervous.
It began and they said its going to be a case study, i was bit amazed as i had no idea whatso ever about case study.But when it started we were given a situation and were asked our feed backs,i was lucky that it was survival type of case was given to us and it was the topic that i had always been fantasizing about.i responded positively and was called for interview round.
It was the first interview i was facing and i didnt had much idea how to go in and face all the questions they fire,but i was not very nervous probably because this job was not very suitable for me.Successfully i got selected.
But the main climaxe came on the next day when much awaited SAB MILLER was about to visit.They were not allowing me to sit for its drive because i had already been qualified in one firm.Somehow i got the permission.I was bit casual in it,i gave the group discussion in my casual outfit.But unexpectedly i was called for the interview.And though the interview was quite tough but i suceedded in it and now had the option to choose one of the two jobs.This was like a jack pot for me.I never felt so great nice i took admission in that college.I got wishes from friends and family.
Still i feel that i want a government job.But god gives nothing you want but he gives everything you need.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Another year passed in a flash.Seems like time is flying.Last year i had a good time in which i had plenty of new experiences.New experiences helps you get mature and improves your decisive ability.There was certain incuidents that shook the whole world we had earthquake in japan,we lost  Steve jobbs , Osama was killed,we3 lost dev anand and many more incidents.Last year i had a wonderful time in july when i went for training at salal.I learnt some of my course basics but it was the natural beauty that concerned me the most.
This year is probably on eof the most important year of my lifetime in which i have the oppurtunity to shape my life.In other words, I make it or break it.But all i can do now is to just hope that i will respond to the upcoming challenges in a positive way.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The lost chance!!!!

it was the first time i was appearing for a job vacancy,and that too for oracle.It was a pool campus placement drive in United College of engineering.It was a very important occasion for us as we were invited at the time when no company was visiting in our college.We were happy though nervous.I dont know why whenever i come across any competetive exam i get nervous but at the same time i get the feeling that i can make it.That creates within me a fear of defeat and that adds up to my nervousness.As i reached the venue i saw a large number of students.It was an online type and was bit tricky.I qualified in this round.210 people out of 1800 were called for the next round.This time i was even more nervous.i dressed myslf in formals.I appeared for the gd where my whole group was disqualified and that was the first oppertunity lost .I was bit carried away for 2 -3 days but then i recovered as i heard that Thoughtworks is visiting our college.Lets hope i do well in that.

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Final Battle!!!!!

i am done with my 75% of engineering degree.Now if u ask me about the contents that i have studied in  past three years,i can give u nothing more than a blank look.Truly, i mean the way i was raised up at home and taught at school, all those stuffs seem to be getting away from me.I had to make sure in school that whatever i was studying, i should retain those things as long as i can while here in college i have to make sure whatever i am studying comes in the exam and i should retain those things until the exam is over.As the commencement of each consecutive academic year the chance of me getting a decent job is fading.
Now getting on to the final year ,its the last chance for me to rise again.But its really difficult bcoz we have very limited oppurtunities in our college.It makes me more deppressed.I am more tilted towards the IT industry than my regular core sector.There is very feeble chance in off campus, difficult in PSU and negligible in our college.
But the truth is that there are more problems within me than i face from the outer world.If you are determined,focussed and working sincerely in the direction of your aim then oppurtunities are created,you dont have to wait for them.We talk about the need to change the scenarios of our college,thats true,it must change but first we should rather try to change ourselves.BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE.Taking all these things into account,i am still confused about my sincerity towards my studies.Will i concentrate on what i need to do?Will i become jobworthy?Can i hit the BULLs Eye?
Its not that difficult but i have made it that way for me.So lets see what this new academic year has for me or what i can produce from it!!!!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


This ship was sailing in the sea a couple of hours ago.But nature is the biggest power,it can do anything.It was said that world will meet its end in 2012,Well this might be the beginning of THE END!!!!!!i am 20 years old and i have never heard about such massive destruction in my life.There was Tsunami in india in 2004,Earthquake in Haiti in 2010,Earthquake in india in 2000,the WTC plane crash in 2001 and there have been several other mass destructions but this was the biggest and deadliest of them all.I feel really amazed about the number of people died in the hiroshima and nagasaki nuclear bomb explosion way back in 1945 but  this time the casualty is even more.this is really beyond estimation.The death of so many people at the same time,the damage of so much property is certainly a mighty setback.The loss cant be expressed in words.the death toll has crossed 25,000 marks.Millions have lost their homes.
The main problem was caused due to the explosion in the atomic reactors.But japanese are known to be the most cooperating people oif the world,they will rise to the occassion and they have done that uptill now.May gods help them to overcome this tragedy.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Perplexities of my life!!

The only thing constant about this world is CHANGE!!!Nothing Endures but CHANGE!!!The same thing happens with my life too.I am quite depressed by my attitude of observing,accessing and most importantly reacting towards events and incidents of my life.My mind is a place where millions and millions of thought are always spinning.I have experienced that i have always made the wrong decisions in every occasion of my life.I know i got a kind heart and a tender personality , but its of no use if you are not decisive .
Even regarding my professional aim i am quite indecisive.I wanted to be a Cricket player,that was more of a passion than aim that ended up in a shattered dream.Then i took up engineering ,i was half through then i realised its not for me.Then i shifted to software engineering,now my current aim is to be an electrical engineering and some years later i would like to see myself as an business executive turning into a TYCOON!!!!
one more thing.How can i keep my mind stable?Is there any remedy for that?

Friday, December 31, 2010

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The End of My twentieth Year!!!

so,one more year is over.In a blink of an eye ,the whole year passed seems that it came just yesterday.Now i am in the second half of the third year of my engineering.For me the time is passing without the maturity in my thoughts and behavior . I am the same as i was 6 years ago.Nothing has changed in me except the scenarios around my life.
.This year has led me through several downs and downs of life.At the beginning of this year, i was deeply stricken by jaundice, my grades saw a dip, a went for training in BSNL but nothing got in my head.
but one thing that got me high inspite of these downfalls is that i had endless fun wit my school friends.They kept me going.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Obama in India!!!!

Today,at 12 50 pm sharply Barack Obama landed in India for the first time.There have been visits of so many countries all over the globe but when the visit of US President happens, a wave of expectancy and anxiousness flows in the whole country.The security was of the highest order in Mumbai today.All the news channels were broadcasting the arrival of MR. President.He went to the Taj Hotel which was attacked two years ago.He was accompanied by his wife Michelle Obama.The security measures and the financial investment done for his visit was beyond my imaginations.A fleet of 40 airplanes and several Black Hawk Choppers were brought.Chairmen of 250 MNC's also came to meet him.There were US marines. CIA, FBI and other security commandos.

This is supposed to be a visit that will improve the INDO-US relation.On his longest visit to any country, US President Barack Obama today announced USD 10 billion worth deals, including a USD 2 billion equipment sourcing plan of Anil Ambani Group firm Reliance Power and SpiceJet's purchase of 30 Boeing 737 aircraft.
i have heard sometime ago in his speech that he was afraid because of incresed employment of Indian Youth in US jobs but that should be the point of concern for the Indians because all the manpower from india are drifting towards US

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Triumphant Spaniards!!!!

They made it!!They made a double!!!From Euro cup winners to World champions.I have been telling right from the start of the world cup and even before that Spain will clinch its first world title.And they proved me right.Villa was magical,Iniesta was strategical,fabregas was not given too much oppurtunities.Pique and Puyol were rock solid.The combination of all these brought Spain the world cup.Casillas was hardly penetrable.Several other teams also played very well such as Germany and Uruguay.The most dissapointing performance was shown by France.They didnt look like what they use to be.Talking about individual performance,Wayne Rooney dissapointed the most.

Meeting with my old friends Part 2

after first lot of my friends departed ,second lot arrived in usual i am available to all of them.We went to Rhythm,a restro  to celebrate Ritzy's birthday which was on 18 july .But as we all are born to party,we celebrated it 10 days before.We had unbelievable amount of fun.we were laughing all the time and thats the best part of our reunion,we just cant stop laughing.i wished that moment could be u guys!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Re Union of Friends .Part I

i made this title because i met only the first group of my friends.Some of my friends are yet to come.For me oldies are goldies!!I really enjoy being with my school friends because we have spent so much time together right from our childhood that we understand each and every aspect of each other's feeling,likes and dislikes.And most importantly we have common sense of humour.I met with Anuj,sahil,Harsh ,Nitesh,Ashirvad,Ambar and adarsh.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I am visiting this blog after almost two months.I had been suffering from jaundice during these days. I also had exams in march which were next to nightmare.During these days many exciting took place.champions league,IPLetc.
The most exciting and pleasant news for me was 5-0 win of Arsenal over Porto.Now they moved on to quarter finals to face Barca.But Yesterday they played 1-1 draw with Birmingham. That was dissapointing.
In IPL , RCB and MI are on a run .But what concerns me most are Royals and Chargers.They are the champions and i m sure one of them will bring home the title this season .

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sachin The Ratna of Bharat

Nowadays there is a discussion about Tendulkar that whether he should be given Bharat Ratna or not.You dont need any brain to decide that only just look at his stats and contribution.He has done everything that only a perfectionist can do.He has always made us proud .He is a ratna of Bharat even if he dont get the award but i am sure he will get because he deserve as much as any other great person.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

My favourite Footballer.FABREGAS

One of the smartest, most captivating young midfielders in the game, Cesc Fábregas has proved his worth repeatedly on the Premier League and UEFA Champions League stage with Arsenal FC, both as a playmaker and goalscorer, and was a significant figure in Spain's UEFA EURO 2008 triumph.
• Signed by Arsenal from FC Barcelona's academy in September 2003, he became the London club's youngest first-team player (at 16 years 177 days) and goalscorer (16 years 212 days).
• Was player of the tournament and top scorer at 2003 FIFA U-17 World Cup in Finland, where Spain finished runners-up to Brazil.
• Won FA Cup in 2004/05; became team's midfield linchpin following sale of Patrick Vieira and, with majestic individual performances against Real Madrid CF and Vieira's new employers Juventus, helped Gunners to 2006 UEFA Champions League final against Barça, which they lost 2-1 in Paris.
• In Spain's squad at 2006 FIFA World Cup and UEFA EURO 2008, beginning both on the bench; started final of latter after decisive penalty in quarter-final shoot-out against Italy. Also selected for UEFA's All-Star Squad.
• Injured for much of 2008/09 – shortly after assuming Arsenal captaincy – but in exhilarating form in first half of 2009/10, scoring ten goals before Christmas and another four in his next three games.
Did you know?
Fábregas became the youngest player to appear for Spain at a World Cup when he faced Ukraine in Leipzig aged 19 years, 41 days.