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Monday, October 29, 2012

My first job!!!!

It was 5th of july 2012.I had to leave my home to start a new phase of my life.A phase that i was unaware of and it had instilled in me a sense of confidence , fear and sorrow of leaving my home.With all these mixed feeling i was getting myself ready for the journey.I was supposed to join the SAB Miller in Bangalore.My train was scheduled at 8 pm so i decided to go for shopping as usual,i did before going to my college too.This time i knew i wont be coming back soon.I went with Nitesh and it rained heavily on that day.I bought all the items i needed and came home.Soon i had to board the train ,it was a 55 hours journey.I went to the railway station and left my hometown for Bangalore.It was my first visit there.In bangalore ,i was accomodated in Hotel Goldfinch,it was a four star hotel .It was my first visit to a four star hotel,i was quite amazed on seeing the luxuries i was provided.We had 7 days stay in bangalore after which we were sent to Sonepat near new delhi.SAB Miller welcomed us very warmly and i am thankful to them for all those amenities they provided.I had to face new challanges in my life in future and for that they had a nice plan to train me to take up those challanges.  

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