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Saturday, March 26, 2011


This ship was sailing in the sea a couple of hours ago.But nature is the biggest power,it can do anything.It was said that world will meet its end in 2012,Well this might be the beginning of THE END!!!!!!i am 20 years old and i have never heard about such massive destruction in my life.There was Tsunami in india in 2004,Earthquake in Haiti in 2010,Earthquake in india in 2000,the WTC plane crash in 2001 and there have been several other mass destructions but this was the biggest and deadliest of them all.I feel really amazed about the number of people died in the hiroshima and nagasaki nuclear bomb explosion way back in 1945 but  this time the casualty is even more.this is really beyond estimation.The death of so many people at the same time,the damage of so much property is certainly a mighty setback.The loss cant be expressed in words.the death toll has crossed 25,000 marks.Millions have lost their homes.
The main problem was caused due to the explosion in the atomic reactors.But japanese are known to be the most cooperating people oif the world,they will rise to the occassion and they have done that uptill now.May gods help them to overcome this tragedy.

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