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Monday, October 29, 2012

My first job!!!!

It was 5th of july 2012.I had to leave my home to start a new phase of my life.A phase that i was unaware of and it had instilled in me a sense of confidence , fear and sorrow of leaving my home.With all these mixed feeling i was getting myself ready for the journey.I was supposed to join the SAB Miller in Bangalore.My train was scheduled at 8 pm so i decided to go for shopping as usual,i did before going to my college too.This time i knew i wont be coming back soon.I went with Nitesh and it rained heavily on that day.I bought all the items i needed and came home.Soon i had to board the train ,it was a 55 hours journey.I went to the railway station and left my hometown for Bangalore.It was my first visit there.In bangalore ,i was accomodated in Hotel Goldfinch,it was a four star hotel .It was my first visit to a four star hotel,i was quite amazed on seeing the luxuries i was provided.We had 7 days stay in bangalore after which we were sent to Sonepat near new delhi.SAB Miller welcomed us very warmly and i am thankful to them for all those amenities they provided.I had to face new challanges in my life in future and for that they had a nice plan to train me to take up those challanges.  

Thursday, February 23, 2012

two unforgettable days!!

It was monday 23rd of january that we were expecting ITC ,for our group discussion and interview round after having qualified the written round.I was in a doubt whether this job is suited for me or not.As it had a three months internship time even after that period it was liable to eliminations.There is totally different feeling  when you go for an interview , formals on ,you try your best to hide the nervousness,you make ur face as pleasant as it can and a sense of rivalry.Rivalry because there are many colleagues with whom we have to compete in order to grab the oppurtunity.
After having disqualified in my previous group discussion round for ORACLE, there was a feeling uncertainty whether i will make in this one or not.But i appeared and was bit nervous.
It began and they said its going to be a case study, i was bit amazed as i had no idea whatso ever about case study.But when it started we were given a situation and were asked our feed backs,i was lucky that it was survival type of case was given to us and it was the topic that i had always been fantasizing about.i responded positively and was called for interview round.
It was the first interview i was facing and i didnt had much idea how to go in and face all the questions they fire,but i was not very nervous probably because this job was not very suitable for me.Successfully i got selected.
But the main climaxe came on the next day when much awaited SAB MILLER was about to visit.They were not allowing me to sit for its drive because i had already been qualified in one firm.Somehow i got the permission.I was bit casual in it,i gave the group discussion in my casual outfit.But unexpectedly i was called for the interview.And though the interview was quite tough but i suceedded in it and now had the option to choose one of the two jobs.This was like a jack pot for me.I never felt so great nice i took admission in that college.I got wishes from friends and family.
Still i feel that i want a government job.But god gives nothing you want but he gives everything you need.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Another year passed in a flash.Seems like time is flying.Last year i had a good time in which i had plenty of new experiences.New experiences helps you get mature and improves your decisive ability.There was certain incuidents that shook the whole world we had earthquake in japan,we lost  Steve jobbs , Osama was killed,we3 lost dev anand and many more incidents.Last year i had a wonderful time in july when i went for training at salal.I learnt some of my course basics but it was the natural beauty that concerned me the most.
This year is probably on eof the most important year of my lifetime in which i have the oppurtunity to shape my life.In other words, I make it or break it.But all i can do now is to just hope that i will respond to the upcoming challenges in a positive way.