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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The lost chance!!!!

it was the first time i was appearing for a job vacancy,and that too for oracle.It was a pool campus placement drive in United College of engineering.It was a very important occasion for us as we were invited at the time when no company was visiting in our college.We were happy though nervous.I dont know why whenever i come across any competetive exam i get nervous but at the same time i get the feeling that i can make it.That creates within me a fear of defeat and that adds up to my nervousness.As i reached the venue i saw a large number of students.It was an online type and was bit tricky.I qualified in this round.210 people out of 1800 were called for the next round.This time i was even more nervous.i dressed myslf in formals.I appeared for the gd where my whole group was disqualified and that was the first oppertunity lost .I was bit carried away for 2 -3 days but then i recovered as i heard that Thoughtworks is visiting our college.Lets hope i do well in that.

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Final Battle!!!!!

i am done with my 75% of engineering degree.Now if u ask me about the contents that i have studied in  past three years,i can give u nothing more than a blank look.Truly, i mean the way i was raised up at home and taught at school, all those stuffs seem to be getting away from me.I had to make sure in school that whatever i was studying, i should retain those things as long as i can while here in college i have to make sure whatever i am studying comes in the exam and i should retain those things until the exam is over.As the commencement of each consecutive academic year the chance of me getting a decent job is fading.
Now getting on to the final year ,its the last chance for me to rise again.But its really difficult bcoz we have very limited oppurtunities in our college.It makes me more deppressed.I am more tilted towards the IT industry than my regular core sector.There is very feeble chance in off campus, difficult in PSU and negligible in our college.
But the truth is that there are more problems within me than i face from the outer world.If you are determined,focussed and working sincerely in the direction of your aim then oppurtunities are created,you dont have to wait for them.We talk about the need to change the scenarios of our college,thats true,it must change but first we should rather try to change ourselves.BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE.Taking all these things into account,i am still confused about my sincerity towards my studies.Will i concentrate on what i need to do?Will i become jobworthy?Can i hit the BULLs Eye?
Its not that difficult but i have made it that way for me.So lets see what this new academic year has for me or what i can produce from it!!!!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


This ship was sailing in the sea a couple of hours ago.But nature is the biggest power,it can do anything.It was said that world will meet its end in 2012,Well this might be the beginning of THE END!!!!!!i am 20 years old and i have never heard about such massive destruction in my life.There was Tsunami in india in 2004,Earthquake in Haiti in 2010,Earthquake in india in 2000,the WTC plane crash in 2001 and there have been several other mass destructions but this was the biggest and deadliest of them all.I feel really amazed about the number of people died in the hiroshima and nagasaki nuclear bomb explosion way back in 1945 but  this time the casualty is even more.this is really beyond estimation.The death of so many people at the same time,the damage of so much property is certainly a mighty setback.The loss cant be expressed in words.the death toll has crossed 25,000 marks.Millions have lost their homes.
The main problem was caused due to the explosion in the atomic reactors.But japanese are known to be the most cooperating people oif the world,they will rise to the occassion and they have done that uptill now.May gods help them to overcome this tragedy.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Perplexities of my life!!

The only thing constant about this world is CHANGE!!!Nothing Endures but CHANGE!!!The same thing happens with my life too.I am quite depressed by my attitude of observing,accessing and most importantly reacting towards events and incidents of my life.My mind is a place where millions and millions of thought are always spinning.I have experienced that i have always made the wrong decisions in every occasion of my life.I know i got a kind heart and a tender personality , but its of no use if you are not decisive .
Even regarding my professional aim i am quite indecisive.I wanted to be a Cricket player,that was more of a passion than aim that ended up in a shattered dream.Then i took up engineering ,i was half through then i realised its not for me.Then i shifted to software engineering,now my current aim is to be an electrical engineering and some years later i would like to see myself as an business executive turning into a TYCOON!!!!
one more thing.How can i keep my mind stable?Is there any remedy for that?