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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Eleven Years Earlier

Even its difficult for me to find where i am in the first instance.I am at the second left(your right) in the lowest row.This is the  group photo of our class when we were in fourth standard.No matter who we are now,whatever we may be doing but in those innocent days we were the same.At that time we were unaware of the ups and downs of life.Those time wold never come back but iwill be thankful to all those who are in the picture for being an integral part of my life.

Monday, January 25, 2010

happy republic day

Dominion to a republic on 26 January, 1950, and it is one of the national holidays in India.
India is a nation which is blessed with diverse religions, civilizations, cultures and languages all interplaying with each other in harmony.

This day also marks the gratitude that we Indians prosper in a sovereign, secular and democratic soil that stands for the principles of justice, equality, fraternity and liberty; the golden words that form the spirit of our Preamble.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

On my Career

I am still not able to decide what am i going to be after the completion of my education.I am doing B Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering but i find no signs of being an electrical engineer rather i may become a software engineer.The unfortunate cancellation of our trip to INDO DANISH TOOL ROOM,Jamshedpur has made me to stay here in Patna and here i am taking classes of ASP.NET using C sharp.i have no knowledge of C sharp , .NET and ASP then also i am studying ASP.NET using C sharp.
Sometimes I feel i will appear for GATe, sometimes my mind drifts for MBA, sometimes i think i should get placed after Engineering  .I even think about preaparing for Public Sector Units.Its really frustrating when you have so many options and you are not able to decide what is best for you.After all you cant go for all of them.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Those golden days(01/23/2010)

You know sometimes i feel that why the hell the time goes so fast.Its really very painfull when you think of the good times of your childhood that will never ever return.i have spent 13 years in St. Karens high school where i not only got educated but also it gave me some true friends. Even up till now they are my best ones and will continue to be.Time might leave me away from them fate might wipe me out from their memories but i thank them from the bottom of my heart for being my friend even for once in a lifetime.

Friday, January 22, 2010



Its really cold out here in patna.Unfortunately i have also caught cold or cold has caught me,whatever.but i think its GLOBAL COOLING!!Now here i have joined APtech for ASP.NET. I met many of my old school friends here who also are on their vacation.I love meeting them coz they are one of the best part of my life. i met pankaj , sahil and adarsh.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Current Status

Right Now,I am a Student of Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture ,Science and technology(formerly AAIDU). I am doing B. Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering . I am in the second year.Now in this year im feeling the heat of what EEE is all about.It needs alot of hard work and patience.