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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

travelling with a cause

I was always fascinated  by the globe-trotters. I even wondered what is the motivation to get out of the comfort of their homes and explore the unfamiliar territories. I was always in the confinement of responsibilities, restrictions and engagements. I always wondered when I would be free enough to have the experience of independent travelling. I am lucky to born in a family who like to travel a lot. My parents took me to the most amazing places in India in my childhood. I was amazed by the diversity and magnificence of my country. But when I grew up I found enclosed in the overcaring and cautious attitude of my family during the tour. It proved to be the hindrance in feeling the place where I went. I believe that travel is not about shutting yourself up in the luxurious hotel in the town but to interact with locals, go to the places where you have not been, try to walk around in the villages , meet new people and most importantly, get out of the comfort zone.
View from the Triund mountain

So it was in November 2015 I decided to go for travel to northern India.I wanted my travel to be as productive as it can be. So I decided to volunteer as well during my travel. So I contacted LHA social work to join as a volunteer. They accepted the offer and I was given the responsibility of English conversation partner of the students. The organisation is located at Mcleodganj, Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh. I arrived there on the 24th of December 2015 and as expected I was welcomed with the coldest climate I have ever experienced, a bone chilling negative three.there was Christmas celebration the next day where i got a chance to interact with the volunteers from all over the world.I was amazed by their perspective of life and to the extent they have travelled the world.It was so amazing to know about them and their anecdotes. It was a great experience. The same day in the afternoon I hired a Royal Enfield Classic 350 and rode around the mountains.It was an experience I always wanted to have.

Christmas at LhA
I got the opportunity to interact with the monks and the locals which I really appreciate. The respect I got from them was really unparalleled. I was spellbound by their patriotism towards their religion and country. Though I was supposed to teach them but I believe they taught me more.

royal enfield

I made many good friends and did adventurous trekking.The scenic beauty was amazing .Specially from the Triund , which is a 9km uphill trek. It is a place worth visiting.My stay in mcleodganj was for 12 days which I really enjoyed. I left on 5th of January with a heavy heart, but only with the promise to come back

with patricia, soraya, pascal and hagit