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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Perplexities of my life!!

The only thing constant about this world is CHANGE!!!Nothing Endures but CHANGE!!!The same thing happens with my life too.I am quite depressed by my attitude of observing,accessing and most importantly reacting towards events and incidents of my life.My mind is a place where millions and millions of thought are always spinning.I have experienced that i have always made the wrong decisions in every occasion of my life.I know i got a kind heart and a tender personality , but its of no use if you are not decisive .
Even regarding my professional aim i am quite indecisive.I wanted to be a Cricket player,that was more of a passion than aim that ended up in a shattered dream.Then i took up engineering ,i was half through then i realised its not for me.Then i shifted to software engineering,now my current aim is to be an electrical engineering and some years later i would like to see myself as an business executive turning into a TYCOON!!!!
one more thing.How can i keep my mind stable?Is there any remedy for that?